How will I benefit?

During sessions with the therapist or counsellor, you will have the opportunity to fully discuss your problems. These problems, whether recent or historic, will have been a block, preventing you from getting on with your life.

For instance, you may have had a track record of poor relationships. It will only be by looking into your family background and your relationship with your parents, that with the help of the therapist, you will begin to appreciate what an effect this may have had on your life. The therapist helps you to identify and unravel these problems (the former is perhaps the most critical aspect of the healing process as we often struggle on without realising how much our lives are affected.) You will be surprised at the amount of emotional and other energy that can be freed up as a result of overcoming these obstacles. This newly found energy can then be diverted to more positive aspects of your life: your marriage, your job, your personal aims and ambitions.

Depending on your original reason for choosing therapy, the other benefits can include:

  • Better overall health
  • Improved slepping patterns
  • Healthier diet and lifestyle
  • Less confrontation with others
  • Freedom from self-destructive behaviours and thinking
  • Less stress and worry
  • More energy and happiness, a more positive approach to life.

Working through and beyond the issues will put you back in control of your life and your choices.

How do I chose a therapist?